Dannii Willis
"Refactors the Startup Rules so that it can be more easily altered"
Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
"A general purpose benchmarking test framework that produces statistically significant results. Version 2 works with 6M62."
Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
rng_seed_at_start_of_play, P_ref_number, P_scale_method, P_position,
P_minimum_size, P_measurement, P_border_hint, P_type, P_rock_number,
GetEitherOrProperty, P_g_present
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
"Better performance for the Flex/Block value systems using Glulx's native malloc features"
In Chapter - Replacing the Flex system in the extension Better Flex by DanniiWillis:
You wrote 'Include (- Constant BLK_HEADER_N = 0; Constan [...] nt
BLK_DATA_OFFSET = 4 * WORDSIZE; -) instead of "Blocks" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: but this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022, in favour
of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the manual, but you can
probably get what you want using 'replacing "SomeFunctionName".' rather
than 'instead of ...'.
You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "The Heap" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapInitialise; ]; -) instead of
"Initialisation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Net Free Space" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapDebug; print "With the B [...] he heap is
managed by the VM."; ]; -) instead of "Make Space" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexAllocate size kov flags [...] GTH =
fullsize; return block; ]; -) instead of "Block Allocation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Merging" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Recutting" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexFree block; if ( block == 0 [...]
VM_FreeMemory( block ); } ]; -) instead of "Deallocation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BFFlexResize block newsize f [...] k ); } return
newblock; ]; -) instead of "Resizing" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexSize block; ! Size of an ind [...]
->BLK_LENGTH - BLK_DATA_OFFSET; ]; -) instead of "Block Size" in
"Flex.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 100):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Debugging Routines" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Chapter - Replacing the Block Values system in the extension Better Flex by
Dannii Willis:
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueLBCapacity bv long_bloc [...] v-->0 =
new_long_block; rtrue; ]; -) instead of "Long Block Capacity" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 118):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueRead from pos do_not_ind [...] ge: ",
pos, " in ", to, " ***"; ]; -) instead of "Long Block Array Access" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 150):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueSeekZeroEntry from long [...] m_addr ) /
4; } return -1; ]; -) instead of "First Zero Entry" in "BlockValues.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueMassCopyEntries to_bv fr [...]
_bytes_left - min; } } ]; -) instead of "Mass Copy Entries" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 254):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueMassCopyFromArray to_bv [...] y_size,
no_entries_to_copy); } ]; -) instead of "Mass Copy From Array" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 323):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueFree bv kovs d; if (bv [...] exFree( bv
- BLK_DATA_OFFSET ); ]; -) instead of "Freeing" in "BlockValues.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkDebugAddress addr flag d; if [...] int
(BlkPrintHexadecimal) addr; ]; -) instead of "Printing Memory Addresses" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 375):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
"Provides support for array and map data structures"
"A low level event handling system"
"A low level utility library for managing Glk references after restarting or restoring"
"Provides functions for controlling colours and reverse styling at character granularity"
"Core definitions which other Glulx/Glk extensions depend on"
"Record and review highscores to an external file"
"Handles undo using external files for very big story files"
I can't find the right version of the extension requested by 'Include
Version 7 of Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short' infra
undo by dannii willis - I can only find version 10.200602 or version 11.
"Provides support for parsing and generating JSON"
My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'JSON_Parse_Inner': 'for' header with too few clauses".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.
My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'JSON_Parse_Inner': 'for' header with too few clauses".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.
Menus by Dannii Willis Version 1/160728
"Display full-screen menus defined by tables"
Mutable Kinds by Dannii Willis Version 1/121012
"Change the default values of the properties of Mutable Kinds at run-time"
In Section - Implementing mutable kinds in the extension Mutable Kinds byDannii Willis:
You wrote 'Include (- [ GProperty K V pr obj i kind val [...] a run-time
problem } rfalse; ]; -) instead of "Value Property" in "RTP.i6t"' mutable kinds by dannii
willis: but this syntax was withdrawn in April
2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the
manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
You wrote 'Include (- [ WriteGProperty K V pr val obj i; [...]
pr)-->(V+COL_HSIZE) = val; } } ]; -) instead of "Write Value Property" in
"RTP.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Mutable Kinds.i7x, line 180):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ GetEitherOrProperty obj pr i res [...] res; } i
= i + 4; } } ]; -) instead of "Get Either-Or Property" in "RTP.i6t"' mutable kinds by dannii
willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.
You wrote 'Include (- [ SetEitherOrProperty obj pr negat [...] pr; else
obj.pr = true; } } ]; -) instead of "Set Either-Or Property" in "RTP.i6t"' mutable kinds by dannii
willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.
"A system for precomputing slow startup code"
Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Xorshift by Dannii Willis Version 1/140818
"Allows Inform 7's random number generator to be replaced with one that is consistent across all interpreters"
My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "this Inform 6
directive is not supported in kits or '(-' inclusions: 'Replace random;'".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.