Dannii Willis

Open all errors
Alternative Startup Rules by Dannii WillisVersion 1/140516(for Glulx only)
"Refactors the Startup Rules so that it can be more easily altered"

Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Benchmarking by Dannii WillisVersion 2/210914(for Glulx only)
"A general purpose benchmarking test framework that produces statistically significant results. Version 2 works with 6M62."

Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
rng_seed_at_start_of_play, P_ref_number, P_scale_method, P_position,
P_minimum_size, P_measurement, P_border_hint, P_type, P_rock_number,
GetEitherOrProperty, P_g_present
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Better Flex by Dannii WillisVersion 1/190924(for Glulx only)
"Better performance for the Flex/Block value systems using Glulx's native malloc features"
ni In Chapter - Replacing the Flex system in the extension Better Flex by Dannii

You wrote 'Include (- Constant BLK_HEADER_N = 0; Constan [...] nt
BLK_DATA_OFFSET = 4 * WORDSIZE; -) instead of "Blocks" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: but this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022, in favour
of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the manual, but you can
probably get what you want using 'replacing "SomeFunctionName".' rather
than 'instead of ...'.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "The Heap" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapInitialise; ]; -) instead of
"Initialisation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Net Free Space" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapDebug; print "With the B [...] he heap is
managed by the VM."; ]; -) instead of "Make Space" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexAllocate size kov flags [...] GTH =
fullsize; return block; ]; -) instead of "Block Allocation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Merging" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Recutting" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexFree block; if ( block == 0 [...]
VM_FreeMemory( block ); } ]; -) instead of "Deallocation" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BFFlexResize block newsize f [...] k ); } return
newblock; ]; -) instead of "Resizing" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ FlexSize block; ! Size of an ind [...]
->BLK_LENGTH - BLK_DATA_OFFSET; ]; -) instead of "Block Size" in
"Flex.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 100):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- -) instead of "Debugging Routines" in "Flex.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
In Chapter - Replacing the Block Values system in the extension Better Flex by
Dannii Willis:

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueLBCapacity bv long_bloc [...] v-->0 =
new_long_block; rtrue; ]; -) instead of "Long Block Capacity" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 118):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueRead from pos do_not_ind [...] ge: ",
pos, " in ", to, " ***"; ]; -) instead of "Long Block Array Access" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 150):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueSeekZeroEntry from long [...] m_addr ) /
4; } return -1; ]; -) instead of "First Zero Entry" in "BlockValues.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueMassCopyEntries to_bv fr [...]
_bytes_left - min; } } ]; -) instead of "Mass Copy Entries" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 254):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueMassCopyFromArray to_bv [...] y_size,
no_entries_to_copy); } ]; -) instead of "Mass Copy From Array" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 323):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkValueFree bv kovs d; if (bv [...] exFree( bv
- BLK_DATA_OFFSET ); ]; -) instead of "Freeing" in "BlockValues.i6t"' better
flex by dannii willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ BlkDebugAddress addr flag d; if [...] int
(BlkPrintHexadecimal) addr; ]; -) instead of "Printing Memory Addresses" in
"BlockValues.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Better Flex.i7x, line 375):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
Collections by Dannii WillisVersion 1/220218(for Glulx only)
"Provides support for array and map data structures"
Glk Events by Dannii WillisVersion 2/200807(for Glulx only)
"A low level event handling system"
Glk Object Recovery by Dannii WillisVersion 1/171025(for Glulx only)
"A low level utility library for managing Glk references after restarting or restoring"
Glk Text Formatting by Dannii WillisVersion 1/180324(for Glulx only)
"Provides functions for controlling colours and reverse styling at character granularity"
Glulx Definitions by Dannii WillisVersion 1/160919(for Glulx only)
"Core definitions which other Glulx/Glk extensions depend on"
Highscores by Dannii WillisVersion 1/190811(for Glulx only)
"Record and review highscores to an external file"
Infra Undo by Dannii WillisVersion 1/170502(for Glulx only)
"Handles undo using external files for very big story files"

I can't find the right version of the extension requested by 'Include
Version 7 of Glulx Entry Points by Emily Short' infra
undo by dannii willis - I can only find version 10.200602 or version 11.
JSON by Dannii WillisVersion 1/220301(for Glulx only)
"Provides support for parsing and generating JSON"

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'JSON_Parse_Inner': 'for' header with too few clauses".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "inform 6 syntax
error in function 'JSON_Parse_Inner': 'for' header with too few clauses".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.
Menus by Dannii WillisVersion 1/160728
"Display full-screen menus defined by tables"
Mutable Kinds by Dannii WillisVersion 1/121012
"Change the default values of the properties of Mutable Kinds at run-time"
ni In Section - Implementing mutable kinds in the extension Mutable Kinds by
Dannii Willis:

You wrote 'Include (- [ GProperty K V pr obj i kind val [...] a run-time
problem } rfalse; ]; -) instead of "Value Property" in "RTP.i6t"' mutable kinds by dannii
willis: but this syntax was withdrawn in April
2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the
manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.

You wrote 'Include (- [ WriteGProperty K V pr val obj i; [...]
pr)-->(V+COL_HSIZE) = val; } } ]; -) instead of "Write Value Property" in
"RTP.i6t"' (Dannii Willis/Mutable Kinds.i7x, line 180):
again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ GetEitherOrProperty obj pr i res [...] res; } i
= i + 4; } } ]; -) instead of "Get Either-Or Property" in "RTP.i6t"' mutable kinds by dannii
willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ SetEitherOrProperty obj pr negat [...] pr; else
obj.pr = true; } } ]; -) instead of "Set Either-Or Property" in "RTP.i6t"' mutable kinds by dannii
willis: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.
Startup Precomputation by Dannii WillisVersion 1/160718(for Glulx only)
"A system for precomputing slow startup code"

Something went wrong late in compilation, when working through the
'pipeline' of code-generation steps. (This should not normally happen
unless your source text is making use of '(-' and '-)' and getting that
wrong, or unless you are experimenting with non-standard pipelines.) The
pipeline looks like so:
1. read
2. parse-insertions
3. resolve-conditional-compilation
4. compile-splats
5. load-binary-kits
6. make-synoptic-module
7. shorten-wiring
Problem: unable to find definitions for the following name(s):
8. detect-indirect-calls
9. make-identifiers-unique
10. reconcile-verbs
11. eliminate-redundant-labels
12. eliminate-redundant-operations
13. optionally-generate text ->
14. generate
15. index
Xorshift by Dannii WillisVersion 1/140818
"Allows Inform 7's random number generator to be replaced with one that is consistent across all interpreters"

My low-level reader of source code reported a mistake - "this Inform 6
directive is not supported in kits or '(-' inclusions: 'Replace random;'".
Low-level material written in Inform 6 syntax occurs either in kits or in
matter written inside 'Include (- ... -)' in source text, either in the
main source or in an extension used by it.